Word on the Street

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Dana Donnelly


Daniel Jones


Everything Else

In the year 2021 of our lord & savior Instagram, the iconic account OverheardLA asked me to, “like, figure out our thing for video.”

While they had experimented with one-off video content in the past, they wanted a flagship series that wouldn’t ruin their vibe and, most of all, be iconic. Being from Mississippi, I was the obvious choice for this incredibly LA project.

Word on the Street

I pitched them Word on the Street—an interview series where we give the people of LA the chance to land the punchline instead of be the punchline.

From talent negotiations to final edit, I created the first 12 episodes, setting the format for future programming. I produced our 3 day shoot with a very lean crew featuring our host Dana, our PA Daniel for handling releases, and me—running sound and camera at the same time. We interviewed more than 160 people, which I then edited into 4 months of content for the channel.

Fun fact: I wrote the series with @HottestDana in mind and she absolutely killed it—incredible collaborator & would recommend casting her for anything. Big shoutout to @FayeOrlove of @JuniorHighLA for connecting us!



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